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Model paper

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Department of Agricultural Research and Education,
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India

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Test Date :   29 Oct 2017
Test Time :   2:30 PM
Center :   Jaipur - 6
(Arya College of Industrial Training and Vocational Courses Pvt. Ltd., (Third Floor) (Centre-3),
SP-41B, RIICO Industrial Area, Near Hotel Le Meridian,
Kukas, Jaipur- 302028)
Correct Option selected Wrong Option selected Correct Option Open Question Not Answered

Q.No: 1 If Red means Green, Green means Yellow, Yellow means Pink and Pink means White then what is the colour of Radish यदि लाल का अर्थ हरा, हरे का अर्थ पीला, पीले का अर्थ गुलाबी और गुलाबी का अर्थ सफेद है तो मूली का कौन सा रंग होगा?
A White सफेद
B Yellow पीला
C Pink गुलाबी
D Green हरा

Q.No: 2 A watch is so placed that at 4 PM the minute hand points towards North-West. In which direction does the hour hand points at 7 PM एक घड़ी इस प्रकार रखी है कि अपराह्न 4 बजे उसकी मिनट की सुई उत्तार-पश्चिम दिशा में है तो अपराह्न 7 बजे उसकी घण्टे वाली सुई किस दिशा में होगी?
A North-East उत्तर-पूर्व
B South-East दक्षिण-पूर्व
C North-West उत्तर-पश्चिम
D South-West दक्षिण-पश्चिम
Not Answered

Q.No: 3 Select Related no. from given alternatives

32 : 16 :: 36 : _____? दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित संख्या चुनें :

32 : 16 :: 36 : ________ ?
A 20 20
B 18 18
C 17 17
D 19 19

Q.No: 4 Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives :-

Head : Hair :: Nail : _____? नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सम्बन्धित शब्द/अक्षर/संख्याएं चुनें :

सिर : बाल :: नाखून : ________?
A Finger उंगली
B Eyes आंखें
C Teeth दांत
D Hand हाथ

Q.No: 5 Rearrange the given English alphabets in a meaningful word and thereafter rearrange the given number as for re-arrange alphabets.


1 2 3 4 5 नीचे दिए गए अंग्रेजी अक्षरों को इस प्रकार लगायें कि सार्थक शब्द बने, इसके बाद दी गई संख्यांओं को दोबारा अक्षरों के रुप में क्रमबध्द करें :


1 2 3 4 5
A 12354 12354
B 21345 21345
C 13542 13542
D 23154 23154

Q.No: 6 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A Ovary डिम्बाशय
B Stigma वर्तिकाग्र
C Petals पंखुड़ियां
D Retina नेत्र-पटल

Q.No: 7 What will come in blank space?

120, 24, 6, 2, __ 1 रिक्त स्थान में कौन सी संख्या आएगी?

120, 24, 6, 2, ___ , 1
A 1 1
B 1.5 1.5
C 2.5 2.5
D 5 5
Not Answered

Q.No: 8 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें

Q.No: 9 Fill the blank space so that the relation between the first two objects may be the same as that between third and fourth.

Malaria : Mosquito :: Cholera: _____? नीचे दिए गए रिक्त स्थान इस प्रकार भरे कि प्रथम दो वस्तुओं के बीच वही संबंध स्थापित हो जो तीसरे और चौथे के बीच है :

मलेरिया : मच्छर :: हैजा : ___________?
A Air वायु
B Water जल
C Rat चूहा
D Chicken मुर्गी

Q.No: 10 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A 28, 82 28, 82
B 56, 65 56, 65
C 23, 32 23, 32
D 36, 54 36, 54

Q.No: 11 Fill the blank space so that the relation between the first two objects may be the same as that between third and fourth.

Turkey : ___? :: Spain : Madrid रिक्त स्थान को इस प्रकार भरें कि प्रथम दो वस्तुओं का संबंध वही हो जो तीसरे और चौथे के बीच है :

तुर्की : ______? :: स्पेन : मैड्रिड
A Taslum तस्लुम
B Dublin डबलिन
C Viena वियाना
D Ankara अंकारा
Not Answered

Q.No: 12 In a row of girls, Sunita is 12th from the start and 15th from the end. In another row of girls, Rita is 9th from the start and 13th from the end. How many girls are there in both the rows? बालिकाओं की किसी कतार में सुनीता कतार के आरम्भ से 12वें तथा अन्त से 15वें स्थान पर है। एक अन्य कतार में बालिका रीता कतार के आरम्भ से 9वें और अन्त से 13वें स्थान पर है तो दोनों कतारों में कितनी बालिकाएं हैं?
A 49 49
B 46 46
C 47 47
D 48 48
Not Answered

Q.No: 13 Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives :-

Cow: Calf :: Cat : _____? नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सम्बन्धित शब्द/अक्षर/संख्याएं चुनें :

गाय : बछड़ा :: बिल्ली : ________ ?
A Kitten किटेन
B Chick चिक
C Cub कब
D Cockrell कॉक्रेल

Q.No: 14 Which word comes Second in Dictionary? निम्न में अंग्रेजी का कौन सा शब्द शब्दकोश में दूसरे स्थान पर आएगा?
A Matriculate Matriculate
B Mathematics Mathematics
C Marriage Marriage
D Meanwhile Meanwhile

Q.No: 15 Kanchan ranked 11th in a class of 20. What shall be her rank from the last ? कंचन का 20 छात्रों की कक्षा में 11वां स्थान था तो उसका अन्तिम में से कौन सा स्थान होगा?
A 10th 10वां
B 12th 12वां
C 11th 11वां
D 9th 9वां

Q.No: 16 If 34* 10 = 22 , 28* 74 = 51 , 95* 37 = 66 then what should 28* 82 = यदि 34* 10 = 22, 28* 74 = 51, 95* 37 = 66 हो तो 28* 82 = _____ होगा
A 25 25
B 32 32
C 55 55
D 65 65
Not Answered

Q.No: 17 Fill the blank space so that the relation between the first two objects may be the same as that between third and fourth.

Palaeontology: ___? :: Phrenology : Skull रिक्त स्थान को इस प्रकार भरें कि प्रथम दो वस्तुओं का संबंध वही हो जो तीसरे और चौथे के बीच है :

पैलिएन्टोलॉजी : ______? :: फ्रेनोलॉजी : कपाल
A Lungs फेफड़े
B Fossil जीवाश्म
C Chest छाती
D Thyroid थायरॉयड
Not Answered

Q.No: 18 Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives :-

Temperature: Thermometer :: Humidity : _____? नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सम्बन्धित शब्द/अक्षर/संख्याएं चुनें :

तापमान : तापमापी :: आर्द्रता : ________ ?
A Hydrometer हाइड्रोमीटर
B Speedometer स्पीडोमीटर
C Hygrometer हाइग्रोमीटर
D Animometer एनीमोमीटर

Q.No: 19 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A Iodine : Goiter आयोडीन: घेंघा
B Iron : Anemia लौह: रक्ताल्पता
C Vitamin- D : Rickets विटामिन-डी: रिकेट्स
D Vitamin-K : Beri-Beri विटामिन-के : बेरी-बेरी

Q.No: 20 Rearrange the given English alphabets in a meaningful word and thereafter rearrange the given number as for re-arrange alphabets.


123456 नीचे दिए गए अंग्रेजी अक्षरों को इस प्रकार लगायें कि सार्थक शब्द बने, इसके बाद दी गई संख्यांओं को दुबारा अक्षरों के रुप में क्रमबध्द करें :


1 2 3 4 5 6
A 314652 314652
B 314265 314265
C 214653 214653
D 413625 413625

Q.No: 21 How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters OWH using each letter only once in the word? OWH अक्षरों का किसी एक शब्द में केवल एक बार उपयोग करके कितने सार्थक अंग्रेजी शब्द बन सकते हैं?
A One एक
B None कोई भी नहीं
C Three तीन
D Two दो

Q.No: 22 Which one word cannot be formed from the letters of the following word:

TRANQUILITY नीचे दिए गए शब्द के अक्षरों से कौन-सा शब्द नहीं बन सकता है


Q.No: 23 Find missing number of series

3, 8, 35, 48, ? 120 निम्न श्रृंखला की लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात करें

3, 8, 35, 48, ?, 120
A 72 72
B 64 64
C 80 80
D 99 99
Not Answered

Q.No: 24 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A 100-30 100-30
B 80-25 80-25
C 170-55 170-55
D 140-145 140-145
Not Answered

Q.No: 25 A man said to a woman, “The only sister of your brother is my mother.” How is that man related to that woman? एक पुरुष महिला से कहता है, ''आपके भाई की एकमात्र बहन मेरी मां है।'' वह पुरुष महिला का क्या लगता है?
A Son पुत्र
B Brother भाई
C Husband पति
D Father पिता
Open Question ( For Question declared open every candidate to get 1 Mark)

Q.No: 26 Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives :-

Carpenter: Wood :: Cobbler : _____? नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सम्बन्धित शब्द/अक्षर/संख्याएं चुनें :

बढ़ई : लकड़ी :: मोची : ________ ?
A Cloth कपड़ा
B Footwear जूता-चप्पल
C Gold सोना
D Fan पंखा

Q.No: 27 The position of the first and the fifth digit in the number 53146872 are interchanged. Thereafter, position of 2nd and 6th of the new number is also interchanged. Which of the following will be fifth digit from the right end after this interchange. 53146872 संख्या में प्रथम और पांचवें अंक की स्थिति परस्पर बदल दी जाती है। उसके बाद बनी नई संख्या के दूसरे और छठे अंकों की स्थिति भी बदल दी जाती है तो इस पारस्परिक परिवर्तन के पश्चात् बनी नई संख्या का दायें से पांचवां अंक कौन सा होगा?
A 6 6
B 4 4
C 1 1
D 2 2

Q.No: 28 If SISTER is coded as 535301, Uncle is coded as 84670 and BOY is coded as 129, how will you code the word SON? यदि SISTER के लिए 535301, UNCLE के लिए 84670 और BOY के लिए 129 कोड है तो SON शब्द के लिए क्या कोड होगा ?
A 872 872
B 342 342
C 524 524
D 923 923

Q.No: 29 Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives :-

Ginger : Turmeric :: Carrot: _____? नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सम्बन्धित शब्द/अक्षर/संख्याएं चुनें :

अदरक : हल्दी :: गाजर : ________ ?
A Tomato टमाटर
B Radish मूली
C Chilli मिर्च
D Cabbage बन्द गोभी

Q.No: 30 In a class of 54 students, Ravi’s rank is 33 from the bottom. What is the rank from the top? कुल 54 छात्रों की कक्षा में रवि का नीचे से 33वां स्थान है तो ऊपर से उसका स्थान होगा
A 20th 20वां
B 22nd 22वां
C 21st 21वां
D 23rd 23वां

Q.No: 31 Find missing number of series

2,10, 30, 68, 130, 222, ? निम्न श्रृंखला की लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात करें

2, 10, 30, 68, 130, 222, ?
A 350 350
B 415 415
C 280 280
D 370 370

Q.No: 32 Sunita who is Ravi’s daughter, says to Poonam “Your mother Reeta is the younger sister of my father, who is the third child of Mohan Ji”.

How is Mohanji related to Poonam? सुनीता जो रवि की पुत्री है, पूनम से कहती है, ''आपकी मां रीता मेरे पिता की छोटी बहन है, जो मोहन जी की तीसरी सन्तान है।

मोहन जी और पूनम के क्या लगते हैं?
A Grand-Father दादा
B Maternal Uncle मामा
C Father पिता
D Father-in-Law ससुर

Q.No: 33 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A Srilanka श्रीलंका
B China चीन
C Pakistan पाकिस्तान
D Australia ऑस्ट्रेलिया

Q.No: 34 Select Related no. from given alternatives

27 : 8 :: 128 : _____? दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित संख्या चुनें :

27 : 8 :: 128 : ________?
A 65 65
B 62 62
C 60 60
D 64 64
Not Answered

Q.No: 35 If (+) means Multiplication, (-)means Division, (x) means Minus and (÷) means Plus

Then (330-10x8) - 5 ÷ 6 is यदि (+) का अर्थ गुणा, (-) का अर्थ भाग, (x) का अर्थ घटाना और (÷) का अर्थ योग हो तो (330-10x8) -5÷6 होगा
A 11 11
B 66 66
C 5 5
D 100 100

Q.No: 36 Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives :-

Sink : Float :: Calm : _____? नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सम्बन्धित शब्द/अक्षर/संख्याएं चुनें :

डूबना : तैरना :: शान्त : ________?
A Tired थका हुआ
B Windly तूफानी
C Sad दुखी
D Quiet शान्त

Q.No: 37 Arrage the following events in a meaningful order

Child 2. Grandfather 3. Adolenence 4. Great Grand Father 5. Marriage निम्न घटनाओं को सार्थक क्रम में लगायें :

1. शिशु 2. दादा 3. किशोर 4. परदादा 5. विवाह
A 12354 12354
B 13524 13524
C 15324 15324
D 15324 15324

Q.No: 38 Arrange the events given below in a meaningful sequence:

1. House Entry 2. Constructor 3. Architect 4. Painter 5. Cleaner निम्न घटनाओं को सार्थक क्रम में लगायें :

1. गृह प्रवेश 2. निर्माता 3. वास्तुकार 4. पेन्टर 5. सफाई कर्मी
A 35412 35412
B 23451 23451
C 32451 32451
D 12354 12354

Q.No: 39 Which word comes last in Dictionary? निम्न में अंग्रेजी का कौन सा शब्द शब्दकोश में सबसे बाद में आएगा?
A Completion Completion
B Compassion Compassion
C Comfortable Comfortable
D Communication Communication

Q.No: 40 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A 112, 88 112, 88
B 66, 44 66, 44
C 96, 72 96, 72
D 72, 48 72, 48

Q.No: 41 One term in the numbers series is wrong in the following. Find out the same.

101, 121, 144, 169, 196 निम्न अंक श्रृंखला में एक पद गलत है। वह कौन सा है?

101, 121, 144, 169, 196
A 169 169
B 101 101
C 196 196
D 121 121

Q.No: 42 Ram walks 40m towards East. He turns right and walks 20m. He again turns right and walks 40m. Further he moves 10m, after turning to right. How far he is from his original position? राम 40 मी. पूर्व की ओर चलता है। वह दायें मुड़ता है और 20 मी. चलता है। वह फिर दायें मुड़ता है और 40 मी. चलता है। दायें मुड़ने के बाद वह 10 मी. और चलता है तो वह अपनी मूल स्थिति से कितनी दूर है?
A 50 m 50 मी.
B 10 m 10 मी.
C 20 m 20 मी.
D 30 m 30 मी.

Q.No: 43 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A Coriander धनिया
B Onion प्याज
C Garlic लहसुन
D Potato आलू

Q.No: 44 Fill the blank space so that the relation between the first two objects may be the same as that between third and fourth.

Procession: Route :: Earth: _____? नीचे दिए गए रिक्त स्थान इस प्रकार भरें कि प्रथम दो वस्तुओं के बीच वही संबंध स्थापित हो जो तीसरे और चौथे के बीच है :

जुलूस : मार्ग :: पृथ्वी : ___________?
A Highway उच्चमार्ग
B Orbit परिपथ
C Moon चन्द्रमा
D Space अन्तरिक्ष

Q.No: 45 Ratio of boys and girls in a class 4:3. If there are 21 girls in the class, find the number of boys. किसी कक्षा में बालकों और बालिकाओं का अनुपात 4 : 3 है। यदि उस कक्षा में 21 बालिकाएं हैं तो कितने बालक होंगे?
A 26 26
B 25 25
C 28 28
D 30 30

Q.No: 46 How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters TMEU using each letter only once in each word? TMEU अक्षरों का किसी एक शब्द में केवल एक बार उपयोग करके कितने सार्थक अंग्रेजी शब्द बन सकते हैं?
A One एक
B Two दो
C Three तीन
D None कोई भी नहीं

Q.No: 47 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A Concentration सान्द्रण
B Confluence संगम
C Radiation विकिरण
D Concourse सम्मिलन
Not Answered

Q.No: 48 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives.
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें
A 81-144 81-144
B 24-64 24-64
C 9-36 9-36
D 49-100 49-100

Q.No: 49 Find the ODD word letters/ number pair/ Numbers from the given alternatives. नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से बेमेल शब्द/अक्षर/संख्या-युग्म/संख्याएं चुनें

Q.No: 50 Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order?

1. Ploughing 2. Flowering 3. Harvesting 4. Sowing 5. Storage नीचे दिए गए शब्दों का निम्न में से किन क्रियाओं का बढ़ती हुई दिशा में सार्थक क्रम होगा :

1. जुताई 2. पुष्पन 3. कटाई 4. बुवाई 5. भण्डारण
A 5,3,2,4,1 5,3,2,4,1
B 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5
C 1,4,3,2,5 1,4,3,2,5
D 1,4,2,3,5 1,4,2,3,5

Q.No: 51 When did Ibn Batuta visited India इब्न बतूता भारत कब आया था?
A 15th Century 15वीं शताब्दी में
B 12th Century 12वीं शताब्दी में
C 14th Century 14वीं शताब्दी में
D 13th Century 13वीं शताब्दी में

Q.No: 52 Kisan Credit Card scheme is implemented by किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना किसके द्वारा लागू की गई है?
A Commercial Banks वाणिज्यिक बैंक
B Cooperative Banks सहकारी बैंक
C Regional Rural Banks क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बैंक
D All of them उपरोक्त सभी

Q.No: 53 During which period Shah Jahan ruled? शाहजहां का शासन काल था :
A 1659-1707 1659-1707
B 1660-1709 1660-1709
C 1658-1707 1658-1707
D 1658-1709 1658-1709
Open Question ( For Question declared open every candidate to get 1 Mark)

Q.No: 54 When was the Unique Identification Authority of India established भारत के विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण की स्थापना कब हुई ?
A 2009 2009
B 2011 2011
C 2010 2010
D 2008 2008
Not Answered

Q.No: 55 National Air Quality Index (NAQI) has been launched on the status of ambient air quality considering how many pollutants आदर्श वायु की गुणवत्ता की स्थिति पर राष्ट्रीय वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक (एनएक्यूवाई) की शुरुआत कितने प्रदूषकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए की गई थी?
A 8 8
B 9 9
C 6 6
D 7 7
Not Answered

Q.No: 56 What is marginal utility सीमान्त उपयोगिता क्या है?
A Additional utility on account of consumption of an additional unit अतिरिक्त इकाई के उपभोग पर अतिरिक्त उपयोगिता
B Average of total units consumed उपभोग की गई कुल इकाइयों का औसत
C Utility of equilibrium समतुल्यता की उपयोगिता
D Utility where demand and supply meet वह उपयोगिता जहां मांग और पूर्ति मिलते हैं

Q.No: 57 Nazomi Okuhara of Japan became champion of the 2017 World Badminton. Whom she defeated in final match जापान की नज़ोमी ओकुहारा 2017 में विश्व बैडमिन्टन चैम्पियन बनी। उन्होंने फाइनल मैच में किसे हराया?
A P.V. Sindhu पी. वी. सिन्धु
B Saina Nehwal साइना नेहवाल
C Victor Axelsen विक्टर एक्सेलसेन
D None of them इनमें से कोई नहीं
Not Answered

Q.No: 58 When the Cripps Mission visited India क्रिप्स मिशन भारत में कब आया ?
A 1942 1942
B 1940 1940
C 1943 1943
D 1941 1941

Q.No: 59 Who was author of Ain-e-Akbari आइन-ए-अकबरी के लेखक थे?
A Raja Birbal राजा बीरबल
B Hakim Ras Khan हकीम रसखान
C Mirza Abdul Rahim मिर्ज़ा अब्दुल रहीम
D Abdul Fazal अबुल फज़ल

Q.No: 60 During which period Santhal rebellion took place? सांथाल विद्रोह कब हुआ था?
A 1850-55 1850-55
B 1855-60 1855-60
C 1861-62 1861-62
D 1840-45 1840-45
Not Answered

Q.No: 61 Which of the following is a Kharif crop निम्न में से कौन-सी खरीफ की फसल है?
A Bajra बाजरा
B Mustard सरसों
C Gram चना
D Wheat गेहूं

Q.No: 62 Which of the following plant nutrient increases résistance to diseases and insects: निम्न में से किस पादप पोषक तत्व से रोगों व कीटों के विरूध्द प्रतिरोध बढ़ता है?
A Nitrogen नाइट्रोजन
B Potassium पोटेशियम
C Calcium कैल्सियम
D Phosphorus फॉस्फोरस

Q.No: 63 Railway finances remained separated from general revenues since the year रेलवे की वित्त व्यवस्था किस वर्ष से सामान्य राजस्व से पृथक हुई है?
A 1927-28 1927-28
B 1924-25 1924-25
C 1922-23 1922-23
D 1925-26 1925-26
Not Answered

Q.No: 64 What is the role of International Finance Corporation? अन्तरराष्ट्रीय वित्त निगम की क्या भूमिका है?
A It focuses on investing in government schemes in developing countries विकासशील देशों में सरकारी योजनाओं में निवेश पर ध्यान देना
B It focuses on investing in banking sector in developing countries विकासशील देशों में बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में निवेश पर ध्यान देना
C It focuses on investing in private sector in developing countries विकासशील देशों में निजी क्षेत्र में निवेश पर ध्यान देना
D none of the above उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
Not Answered

Q.No: 65 Art 343 of the Indian Constitution deals with भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 343 का संबंध किससे है?
A J&K जम्मू एवं कश्मीर
B Emergency Provisions आपातकाल के प्रावधान
C Official Language राजभाषा
D UPSC संघ लोक सेवा आयोग

Q.No: 66 Validity of a Cheque is: चैक की वैधता होती है :
A Nine months नौ माह
B Six months छह माह
C Three months तीन माह
D Four months चार माह

Q.No: 67 Which of the following agency is national agency to forecast and alert of cyber security incidents? साइबर सुरक्षा संबंधी घटनाओं की भविष्यवाणी व चेतावनी देने के लिए राष्ट्रीय एजेंसी निम्न में से कौन सी है?
A Controller of Certifying Authority प्रमाणीकरण प्राधिकरण का नियंत्रक
B Indian Computer Emergency Response team भारतीय कम्प्यूटर आपात अनुक्रिया दल
C Information Security Education and Aware Team सूचना सुरक्षा शिक्षा एवं जागरूक दल
D Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engg & Research व्यावहारिक माइक्रोवेव इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स अभियांत्रिकी एवं अनुसंधान सोसायटी

Q.No: 68 As per 2011 census, a literate person is one who can वर्ष 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार किसे साक्षर व्यक्ति माना गया है?
A Who can write and aged 5 years and above जो लिख सकता हो तथा 5 वर्ष और इससे अधिक आयु का हो
B Who can read, write and is 5 years and above जो पढ़ और लिख सकता तथा 5 वर्ष और इससे अधिक आयु का हो
C Who can read and is 7 years and above जो पढ़ सकता हो तथा 7 वर्ष तथा इससे अधिक आयु का हो
D Read, Write and is aged 7 years and above पढ़ने व लिखने में सक्षम तथा 7 वर्ष और इससे अधिक आयु का

Q.No: 69 Most of the major river systems in Deccan region generally flow in the : दक्षिण क्षेत्र में सामान्यत: अधिकांश प्रमुख नदी प्रणालियों का प्रवाह किस दिशा में होता है ?
A West पश्चिम
B South दक्षिण
C East पूर्व
D North उत्तर
Not Answered

Q.No: 70 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna- Housing for all launched in 2015 targets, housing for all by वर्ष 2015 में आरम्भ की गई सबके लिए घर से संबंधित प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना में किस वर्ष तक सबको आवास देने का लक्ष्य है?
A 2024 2024
B 2022 2022
C 2019 2019
D 2020 2020

Q.No: 71 Which of the following are correct about Sarva Siksha Abhiyan

i) It was launched after Right to Education came into force in 2010

ii) It was already going on when RTE came into force

iii) It is a Centrally sponsored scheme
सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के बारे में निम्न में से क्या सही है?

i). इसकी शुरुआत शिक्षा का अधिकार लागू होने के बाद हुई थी

ii). शिक्षा का अधिकार लागू होने के पूर्व ही यह चल रहा था

iii). यह एक केन्द्रीय प्रायोजित योजना है
A i) and iii) i) और iii)
B i) and ii) i) और ii)
C ii) and iii) ii) और iii)
D None of these इनमें से कोई नहीं

Q.No: 72 Who was the last Governor General of India? भारत के अन्तिम गर्वनर जनरल थे :
A Lord Wavell लॉर्ड वेवल
B Maulana Azad मौलाना आज़ाद
C Lord Mountbatten लॉर्ड माउन्टबेटन
D C. Rajagopalachari सी. राजगोपालाचारी

Q.No: 73 The average breathing rate in normal adult man at rest is विश्राम के समय सामान्य वयस्क पुरुष की औसत श्वसन दर होती है
A 15 to 18 times per minutes 15 से 18 बार प्रति मिनट
B 20-24 times per minutes 20 से 24 बार प्रति मिनट
C 28-30 times per minutes 28 से 30 बार प्रति मिनट
D 26-28 times per minutes 26 से 28 बार प्रति मिनट

Q.No: 74 Major cause of child mortality in India is भारत में शिशुओं की मृत्यु का प्रमुख कारण है
A measles खसरा
B Diarrhea अतिसार
C Polio पोलियो
D Pneumonia निमोनिया
Not Answered

Q.No: 75 Who complied Adi Granth Sahib आदि ग्रन्थ साहिब के संकलनकर्ता हैं?
A Guru Govind Singh गुरु गोविन्द सिंह
B Guru Teg Bhadur गुरु तेग बहादुर
C Guru Angad Dev गुरु अंगद देव
D Guru Arjan Dev गुरु अर्जन देव

Q.No: 76 Mahatma Gandhi retuned to India from South Africa in: महात्मा गांधी दक्षिण अफ्रीका से भारत कब लौटे?
A Feb 1915 फरवरी, 1915
B Jan 1915 जनवरी, 1915
C March 1915 मार्च, 1915
D April 1915 अप्रैल, 1915

Q.No: 77 During Akbar’s regime the Banjar Land was one which remained uncultivated for: अकबर के शासन-काल में कितने समय तक खेती न की गई भूमि को बंजर भूमि कहा जाता था?
A Four years चार वर्ष
B Five years पांच वर्ष
C One year एक वर्ष
D Three years तीन वर्ष
Not Answered

Q.No: 78 Hon’ble Justice Deepak Mishra is the माननीय न्यायाधीश दीपक मिश्र हैं
A 46th Chief Justice of India भारत के 46वें मुख्य न्यायाधीश
B 44 Chief Justice of India भारत के 44वें मुख्य न्यायाधीश
C 45th Chief Justice of India भारत के 45वें मुख्य न्यायाधीश
D 43rd Chief Justice of India भारत के 43वें मुख्य न्यायाधीश

Q.No: 79 Who is leader of opposition in Lok Sabha at Present वर्तमान लोकसभा में विपक्ष के नेता हैं :
A Rahul Gandhi राहुल गांधी
B Sonia Gandhi सोनिया गांधी
C Mallikarjun Khadke मल्लिकार्जुन खडगे
D None of the these उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
Not Answered

Q.No: 80 Who was the President of Constituent Assembly संविधान सभा का अध्यक्ष कौन था?
A Dr. Rajender Prasad डॉ. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद
B Dr. B.R. Ambedkar डॉ. बी. आर. अम्बेडकर
C Vallabh Bhai Patel वल्लभ भाई पटेल
D Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad मौलाना अब्‍दुल कलाम आज़ाद

Q.No: 81 The monetary policy is administered by मौद्रिक नीति किसके द्वारा संचालित होती है?
A Reserve bank of India भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक
B Commerce ministry वाणिज्य मंत्रालय
C CAG of India भारत का नियंत्रक एवं महालेखा परीक्षक
D Finance ministry वित्त मंत्रालय
Not Answered

Q.No: 82 Which of the following gases are used for respiratory disease cure: श्वास संबंधी रोग के उपचार के लिए निम्न में से किन गैसों का उपयोग होता है?
A Argon and Oxygen ऑर्गन और ऑक्सीजन
B Helium and Oxygen हीलियम और ऑक्सीजन
C Oxygen and Nitrogen ऑक्सीजन और नाइट्रोजन
D Oxygen and neon ऑक्सीजन और नियॉन

Q.No: 83 Bihu is a popular festival of which State ? बिहू किस राज्य का लोकप्रिय त्यौहार है?
A Manipur मणिपुर
B Assam असम
C Arunachal Pradesh अरूणाचल प्रदेश
D Nagaland नागालैण्ड

Q.No: 84 Who among the following do not elect the president of India निम्न में से कौन भारत के राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव में भाग नहीं लेता है?
A Members of State Legislature Assembly राज्य विधान सभा के सदस्य
B Members of Lok Sabha लोकसभा के सदस्य
C Members of State Legislature Councils राज्य विधान परिषदों के सदस्य
D Members of Rajay Sabha राज्यसभा के सदस्य

Q.No: 85 In which session of Indian National Congress, National Anthem was first sung: भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के किस अधिवेशन में राष्ट्र गान पहली बार गाया गया था?
A Calcutta कलकत्ता
B Shimla शिमला
C Bombay बम्बई
D Lahore लाहौर

Q.No: 86 The most saline water is of: सर्वाधिक खारा जल किसका है?
A Black Sea काला सागर
B Dead Sea मृत सागर
C China Sea चीन सागर
D Mediterranean Sea भूमध्य सागर

Q.No: 87 Who is the President of Indian Council of Agricultural Research at present. भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद् के वर्तमान अध्यक्ष हैं
A Sh. R.N. Kovind ji श्री आर. एन. कोविन्द जी
B Sh. Radha Menon Singh ji श्री राधा मोहन सिंह जी
C Sh. Vankeya Naidu ji श्री वैंकेया नायडू जी
D Sh. Narendra Bhai Modi ji श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी

Q.No: 88 The present Growth Rate of Indian economy is भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की वर्तमान वृध्दि-दर है :
A Less than average of world growth rate विश्व वृध्दि-दर की औसत से कम
B Above the average of world growth rate विश्व वृध्दि-दर की औसत से अधिक
C Same as the average of world growth विश्व वृध्दि-दर की औसत के बराबर
D None of these इनमें से कोई नहीं
Not Answered

Q.No: 89 Where the next BRICS summit is proposed to be held: अगला ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन कहां आयोजित होने का प्रस्ताव है?
A Russia रूस
B Brazil ब्राज़ील
C South Africa दक्षिण अफ्रीका
D India भारत
Not Answered

Q.No: 90 The first ‘High Speed Train’ track shall pass through which of the following States/UTs प्रथम ''हाई स्पीड ट्रेन'' की पटरी निम्न में से किन राज्यों में/संघ शासित क्षेत्रों से गुजरेगी?
A Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat महाराष्ट्र, गोवा और गुजरात
B Maharashtra and Gujarat महाराष्ट्र और गुजरात
C Maharashtra, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Gujarat महाराष्ट्र, दादरा और नगर हवेली तथा गुजरात
D All three above उपरोक्त तीनों
Not Answered

Q.No: 91 Kudremukh famous for iron-ore, is situated in: लौह अयस्क के लिए प्रसिध्द कुद्रेमुख कहां स्थित है?
A Karnataka कर्नाटक
B Telangana तेलांगना
C Jharkhand झारखण्ड
D Maharashtra महाराष्ट्र

Q.No: 92 Myanmar is having majority population of म्यांमार में अधिकांश जनसंख्या किसकी है?
A Muslims मुस्लिम
B Hindus हिन्दू
C Rohingyas रोहिंग्या
D Buddhist बौध्द
Not Answered

Q.No: 93 Which of the following represented “Axix powers” during 2nd World War द्वितीय विश्व युध्द के दौरान निम्न में से किसने ''शीर्ष शक्तियों'' का प्रतिनिधित्व किया?
A Germany, Russia & Italy जर्मनी, रूस और इटली
B Germany, Japan & Italy जर्मनी, जापान और इटली
C Germany, Japan & Russia जर्मनी, जापान और रूस
D England, France & USA इंग्लैण्ड, फ्रांस और अमेरिका

Q.No: 94 After becoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited which of these countries first प्रधानमंत्री बनने के पश्चात् श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने निम्न में से किसे देश का दौरा सबसे पहले किया था?
A Nepal नेपाल
B USA संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
C Bhutan भूटान
D Pakistan पाकिस्तान
Not Answered

Q.No: 95 As per the Constitution of India, the executive power vests with भारतीय संविधान के अनुसार कार्यपालक शक्ति किसके अधिकार में निहित है
A Council of Ministers मंत्रिपरिषद्
B Lok Sabha लोकसभा
C Prime Minister प्रधानमन्त्री
D President राष्ट्रपति
Not Answered

Q.No: 96 Unit Trust of India (UTI) and Life Insurance Corporation of India are: यूनिट ट्रस्ट ऑफ इण्डिया (यूटीआई) और भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम हैं :
A Banking Institutions बैंकिंग संस्थाएं
B Non banking Institutions गैर-बैंकिंग संस्थाएं
C Non Banking financial Institutions गैर-बैंकिंग वित्तीय संस्थाएं
D Partly banking and partly financial Institutions आंशिक बैंकिंग और आंशिक वित्तीय संस्थाएं

Q.No: 97 The ratio of length and breadth of our National flag is हमारे राष्ट्रीय ध्वज की लम्बाई और चौड़ाई का अनुपात है :
A 3:4 3 : 4
B 3:2 3 : 2
C 4:3 4 : 3
D 2:3 2 : 3

Q.No: 98 Who wrote the Novel Hard Times ''हार्ड टाइम्स'' उपन्यास किसने लिखा है?
A Charles Dickens चार्ल्स डिकेन्स
B Emile Zola एमिले ज़ोला
C Thomas Hardy थॉमस हार्डी
D Leo Tolstoy लियो टॉलस्टॉय
Not Answered

Q.No: 99 Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojna stands for प्रधानमन्त्री MUDRA योजना का पूर्ण स्वरूप है :
A Medium Units Developments and Refinance Agency Ltd. मीडियम यूनिट्स डेवलपमेन्ट्स एण्ड रिफाइनेन्स एजेन्सी लिमिटेड
B Minor Units Developments and Refinance Agency Ltd. माइनर यूनिट्स डेवलपमेन्ट्स एण्ड रिफाइनेन्स एजेन्सी लिमिटेड
C Macro Units Developments and Refinance Agency Ltd. मैक्रो यूनिट्स डेवलपमेन्ट्स एण्ड रिफाइनेन्स एजेन्सी लिमिटेड
D Major Units Developments and Refinance Agency Ltd. मेजर यूनिट्स डेवलपमेन्ट्स एण्ड रिफाइनेन्स एजेन्सी लिमिटेड
Not Answered

Q.No: 100 Who has been awarded 2017 Noble prize for Economics अर्थशास्त्र के लिए वर्ष 2017 का नोबल पुरस्कार किसे प्रदान किया गया?
A Richard S. Thaler रिचर्ड एस थैलर
B Raghu Ram Rajan रघु राम राजन
C Jeffrey C. Hall जेफरी सी. हॉल
D Michael W. Yung माइकेल डब्ल्यू. यंग

Q.No: 101 Sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are given for question. Choose the most appropriate alternative out of four.

We should not violate the _____________ of morality
A Canons
B Cannons
C Norms
D Behavior

Q.No: 102 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question

In 1990 as a fresh graduate, I quickly realized that successful businessmen spent much of their time in Delhi because the license raj ensured companies did not have customers but hostages. In 1996, as a fresh MBA seeking advice on becoming an entrepreneur, a license-raj era tycoon told me to forget my western concepts of Return on Equity but think about return before equity. A lot of pre-1991 entrepreneurship was sustained by the toxic troika of the license raj (low competition), IPO market control (equity scarcity) and nationalized banks (excess leverage). The first two began ending in 1991.

When did the author acquired MBA degree
A 1996
B 1990
C 1997
D None of the above

Q.No: 103 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question

In 1990 as a fresh graduate, I quickly realized that successful businessmen spent much of their time in Delhi because the license raj ensured companies did not have customers but hostages. In 1996, as a fresh MBA seeking advice on becoming an entrepreneur, a license-raj era tycoon told me to forget my western concepts of Return on Equity but think about return before equity. A lot of pre-1991 entrepreneurship was sustained by the toxic troika of the license raj (low competition), IPO market control (equity scarcity) and nationalized banks (excess leverage). The first two began ending in 1991.

What does the word Tycoon stand for in the paragraph:
A Manager
B Powerful person in business
C Financial Advisor
D Business Analyst

Q.No: 104 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question

In 1990 as a fresh graduate, I quickly realized that successful businessmen spent much of their time in Delhi because the license raj ensured companies did not have customers but hostages. In 1996, as a fresh MBA seeking advice on becoming an entrepreneur, a license-raj era tycoon told me to forget my western concepts of Return on Equity but think about return before equity. A lot of pre-1991 entrepreneurship was sustained by the toxic troika of the license raj (low competition), IPO market control (equity scarcity) and nationalized banks (excess leverage). The first two began ending in 1991.

Why the successful businessmen spent much time in Delhi
A To get licenses
B To get inputs
C For Marketing
D For Holiday

Q.No: 105 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question

In 1990 as a fresh graduate, I quickly realized that successful businessmen spent much of their time in Delhi because the license raj ensured companies did not have customers but hostages. In 1996, as a fresh MBA seeking advice on becoming an entrepreneur, a license-raj era tycoon told me to forget my western concepts of Return on Equity but think about return before equity. A lot of pre-1991 entrepreneurship was sustained by the toxic troika of the license raj (low competition), IPO market control (equity scarcity) and nationalized banks (excess leverage). The first two began ending in 1991.

An entrepreneur means
A A Licensing Inspector
B Businessman
C Middleman
D None of these

Q.No: 106 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question

In 1990 as a fresh graduate, I quickly realized that successful businessmen spent much of their time in Delhi because the license raj ensured companies did not have customers but hostages. In 1996, as a fresh MBA seeking advice on becoming an entrepreneur, a license-raj era tycoon told me to forget my western concepts of Return on Equity but think about return before equity. A lot of pre-1991 entrepreneurship was sustained by the toxic troika of the license raj (low competition), IPO market control (equity scarcity) and nationalized banks (excess leverage). The first two began ending in 1991.

Which troika existed even after 1991
A Low competition
B Equity scarcity
C Excess leverage
D All the three

Q.No: 107 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

As part of the effort to get Pakistan’s support for stabilizing Afghanistan, Washington is sending senior US officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defence James Mattis, to the region this month. Reports from Washington say the administration wants to convey a “tough message” to Pakistan on ending its support to cross-border terrorism. Pessimists in India worry that Washington-Islamabad relations might return to the familiar story of America letting the Pakistan army off the hook in return for minor concessions. Optimists, however, bet that a significant change in US-Pakistan relations might be at hand and that Delhi should leverage President Donald Trump’s willingness to confront Rawalpindi on terrorism. We must also keep in mind that for a long time during the Cold War, India’s strategic partnership with Soviet Russia seemed immutable.

What is the current status of US –Pak relations
A Cordial
B Friendly
C Enimical
D Uncertain
Not Answered

Q.No: 108 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

As part of the effort to get Pakistan’s support for stabilizing Afghanistan, Washington is sending senior US officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defence James Mattis, to the region this month. Reports from Washington say the administration wants to convey a “tough message” to Pakistan on ending its support to cross-border terrorism. Pessimists in India worry that Washington-Islamabad relations might return to the familiar story of America letting the Pakistan army off the hook in return for minor concessions. Optimists, however, bet that a significant change in US-Pakistan relations might be at hand and that Delhi should leverage President Donald Trump’s willingness to confront Rawalpindi on terrorism. We must also keep in mind that for a long time during the Cold War, India’s strategic partnership with Soviet Russia seemed immutable.

What is the purpose of visit of US officials to Pakistan
A Tourism
B Business
C New political equation
D Support to stabilize Afghanistan
Not Answered

Q.No: 109 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

As part of the effort to get Pakistan’s support for stabilizing Afghanistan, Washington is sending senior US officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defence James Mattis, to the region this month. Reports from Washington say the administration wants to convey a “tough message” to Pakistan on ending its support to cross-border terrorism. Pessimists in India worry that Washington-Islamabad relations might return to the familiar story of America letting the Pakistan army off the hook in return for minor concessions. Optimists, however, bet that a significant change in US-Pakistan relations might be at hand and that Delhi should leverage President Donald Trump’s willingness to confront Rawalpindi on terrorism. We must also keep in mind that for a long time during the Cold War, India’s strategic partnership with Soviet Russia seemed immutable.

Who is the Secretary of Defence of USA
A Mex Mattis
B Rex Tillerson
C James Mattis
D None of them

Q.No: 110 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

As part of the effort to get Pakistan’s support for stabilizing Afghanistan, Washington is sending senior US officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defence James Mattis, to the region this month. Reports from Washington say the administration wants to convey a “tough message” to Pakistan on ending its support to cross-border terrorism. Pessimists in India worry that Washington-Islamabad relations might return to the familiar story of America letting the Pakistan army off the hook in return for minor concessions. Optimists, however, bet that a significant change in US-Pakistan relations might be at hand and that Delhi should leverage President Donald Trump’s willingness to confront Rawalpindi on terrorism. We must also keep in mind that for a long time during the Cold War, India’s strategic partnership with Soviet Russia seemed immutable.

What is the worry of pessimists
A Pakistan is strong
B US may ultimately support Pak army
C US will not support Pak army for sure
D None of the above
Not Answered

Q.No: 111 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

As part of the effort to get Pakistan’s support for stabilizing Afghanistan, Washington is sending senior US officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defence James Mattis, to the region this month. Reports from Washington say the administration wants to convey a “tough message” to Pakistan on ending its support to cross-border terrorism. Pessimists in India worry that Washington-Islamabad relations might return to the familiar story of America letting the Pakistan army off the hook in return for minor concessions. Optimists, however, bet that a significant change in US-Pakistan relations might be at hand and that Delhi should leverage President Donald Trump’s willingness to confront Rawalpindi on terrorism. We must also keep in mind that for a long time during the Cold War, India’s strategic partnership with Soviet Russia seemed immutable.

During Cold War, how were India-Russia relations
A Cordial
B Reliable
C Weak
D Unshakeable
Not Answered

Q.No: 112 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

The Supreme Court has said that no firecrackers are to be sold in the Delhi and nearby NCR until November 1, 2017. This is ostensibly to measure how much air quality declines during Diwali in the capital city. Those who have been living in the city for decades can tell you that air quality in and around Delhi following Diwali goes for an absolute toss. Rampant and unrestricted use of firecrackers leads to massive increase in noxious sulphurous gases, nitrogen oxides and huge amount of particulate matter. However, banning anything is not the solution. Those determined to make a noise will find ingenious ways of smuggling them into the city and its suburbs, much like how those who want to drink in Ahmadabad and Baroda have figured how to stock up. The ban could, however, lead to reduction in the amount of firecrackers burned by casual users. Others, particularly those who care about the pollution in the city and how it impacts their quality of life, will undoubtedly welcome this decision. While campaigns in schools telling children to ask their families to ease up on firecrackers worked initially, things seem to have gone back to normal.

What is the intention of Hon’ble Supreme Court in imposing ban on firecrackers
A To control Air Pollution
B To Control Sound Pollution
C Regulation of licensed marketing of firecrackers
D None of the above
Not Answered

Q.No: 113 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

The Supreme Court has said that no firecrackers are to be sold in the Delhi and nearby NCR until November 1, 2017. This is ostensibly to measure how much air quality declines during Diwali in the capital city. Those who have been living in the city for decades can tell you that air quality in and around Delhi following Diwali goes for an absolute toss. Rampant and unrestricted use of firecrackers leads to massive increase in noxious sulphurous gases, nitrogen oxides and huge amount of particulate matter. However, banning anything is not the solution. Those determined to make a noise will find ingenious ways of smuggling them into the city and its suburbs, much like how those who want to drink in Ahmadabad and Baroda have figured how to stock up. The ban could, however, lead to reduction in the amount of firecrackers burned by casual users. Others, particularly those who care about the pollution in the city and how it impacts their quality of life, will undoubtedly welcome this decision. While campaigns in schools telling children to ask their families to ease up on firecrackers worked initially, things seem to have gone back to normal.

Those determined to celebrate Diwali with firecrackers will
A Devise alternative crackers
B Will smuggle crackers
C Will obey court order
D None of the these
Not Answered

Q.No: 114 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

The Supreme Court has said that no firecrackers are to be sold in the Delhi and nearby NCR until November 1, 2017. This is ostensibly to measure how much air quality declines during Diwali in the capital city. Those who have been living in the city for decades can tell you that air quality in and around Delhi following Diwali goes for an absolute toss. Rampant and unrestricted use of firecrackers leads to massive increase in noxious sulphurous gases, nitrogen oxides and huge amount of particulate matter. However, banning anything is not the solution. Those determined to make a noise will find ingenious ways of smuggling them into the city and its suburbs, much like how those who want to drink in Ahmadabad and Baroda have figured how to stock up. The ban could, however, lead to reduction in the amount of firecrackers burned by casual users. Others, particularly those who care about the pollution in the city and how it impacts their quality of life, will undoubtedly welcome this decision. While campaigns in schools telling children to ask their families to ease up on firecrackers worked initially, things seem to have gone back to normal.

The ban on crackers shall definitely reduce
A Sulphurous Gas
B Nitrogen Oxide
C Particulate matter
D All three
Not Answered

Q.No: 115 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

The Supreme Court has said that no firecrackers are to be sold in the Delhi and nearby NCR until November 1, 2017. This is ostensibly to measure how much air quality declines during Diwali in the capital city. Those who have been living in the city for decades can tell you that air quality in and around Delhi following Diwali goes for an absolute toss. Rampant and unrestricted use of firecrackers leads to massive increase in noxious sulphurous gases, nitrogen oxides and huge amount of particulate matter. However, banning anything is not the solution. Those determined to make a noise will find ingenious ways of smuggling them into the city and its suburbs, much like how those who want to drink in Ahmadabad and Baroda have figured how to stock up. The ban could, however, lead to reduction in the amount of firecrackers burned by casual users. Others, particularly those who care about the pollution in the city and how it impacts their quality of life, will undoubtedly welcome this decision. While campaigns in schools telling children to ask their families to ease up on firecrackers worked initially, things seem to have gone back to normal.

The ban shall reduce brusting of crackers by:
A Shopkeepers
B Casual Users
C Professionals
D School Children
Not Answered

Q.No: 116 Directions:- Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer of the given questions out of the four alternatives given under each question.

The Supreme Court has said that no firecrackers are to be sold in the Delhi and nearby NCR until November 1, 2017. This is ostensibly to measure how much air quality declines during Diwali in the capital city. Those who have been living in the city for decades can tell you that air quality in and around Delhi following Diwali goes for an absolute toss. Rampant and unrestricted use of firecrackers leads to massive increase in noxious sulphurous gases, nitrogen oxides and huge amount of particulate matter. However, banning anything is not the solution. Those determined to make a noise will find ingenious ways of smuggling them into the city and its suburbs, much like how those who want to drink in Ahmadabad and Baroda have figured how to stock up. The ban could, however, lead to reduction in the amount of firecrackers burned by casual users. Others, particularly those who care about the pollution in the city and how it impacts their quality of life, will undoubtedly welcome this decision. While campaigns in schools telling children to ask their families to ease up on firecrackers worked initially, things seem to have gone back to normal.

The campaigns in schools to ease on firecrackers
A Have not worked
B Initially worked
C Is still effective
D Has showing its impact slowly
Not Answered

Q.No: 117 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

A bunch of feathers:
A Bunch
B Bouquet
C Basket
D Tuft
Not Answered

Q.No: 118 Describe in which form the underlined word in the given sentence has been used i.e. Noun/ Pronoun / Adjective / Verb/ Adverb/ Preposition etc.

Half measures do not succeed in life.
A Adjective
B Pronoun
C Verb
D Adverb
Not Answered

Q.No: 119 Directions:- A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice

You cannot pump the ocean dry.
A Pumping cannot dry the ocean
B Drying the ocean by pump was not possible
C The ocean cannot be pumped dry
D Ocean cannot be dried by pump

Q.No: 120 Sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are given for question. Choose the most appropriate alternative out of four.

Bhushan made up his mind to _____________ vengeance upon Rahul.
A Teach
B Wreak
C Wreck
D Shade
Not Answered

Q.No: 121 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

Breeding of Fish by artificial means
A Pisciculture
B Aquariums
C Tissueculture
D Sericulture
Not Answered

Q.No: 122 Directions:-In question sentences are given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the given alternatives, select the one which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

Teacher said “Honesty is the best policy"
A Teacher has said that honesty was best policy
B Teacher has been saying that honesty is the best policy
C Teacher said honesty was the best policy
D Teacher said that honesty is the best policy

Q.No: 123 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

Art of beautiful and stylish writing
A Bibliography
B Calligraphy
C Niography
D Contrite
Not Answered

Q.No: 124 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A of his superior
B the worth
C mainly because of his impatience
D He incurred
Not Answered

Q.No: 125 Describe in which form the underlined word in the given sentence has been used i.e. Noun/ Pronoun / Adjective / Verb/ Adverb/ Preposition etc.

Ram managed to escape by the back door
A Adjective
B Verb
C Adverb
D Noun
Not Answered

Q.No: 126 INSTRUCTION:Given below is a sentence in which a word is bold and underlined. Select the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word from the four choices given below.

Her scrupulous handling of the accounts earned her praise from all.
A Meticulous
B Aware
C Careless
D Nervous
Not Answered

Q.No: 127 Directions: A part of the sentence is underlined. Improve the underlined part from the given four options under each sentence.

God has bestowed man by unusual gifts
A bestowed alongwith man
B bestowed on man
C bestowed man with
D bestowed of man
Not Answered

Q.No: 128 The first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q,R,S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct from the given options.

1 The train

P they shall also arrive

Q at the station

R has already arrived

S and therefore

6 soon out of the station

Q.No: 129 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A assembled on the ground
B All the child
C and waiting for
D announcement of result

Q.No: 130 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A work hardly to improve
B If you are not
C doing well
D in your examination

Q.No: 131 Directions:-In question, sentences are given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the given alternatives, select the one which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

Mohan says “ I like coffee”
A Mohan says he likes coffee
B Mohan said he likes coffee
C Mohan did say that he liked coffee.
D Mohan said that he liked coffee

Q.No: 132 Directions:-In question, sentences are given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the given alternatives, select the one which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

He has always been saying, “She is a big liar"
A He has always said that she was a big liar.
B He has always been saying that she was a big liar
C He has always saying that she is a big liar
D He has always been saying that she is a big liar

Q.No: 133 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A who lives in Patna
B My sister-in-law
C have come to stay
D with us

Q.No: 134 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

Khan is one of the medical scientists ____________ reports on the malnutrition among children in India.
A who writes
B who is writing
C who will be in writing
D who has written

Q.No: 135 Directions: A part of the sentence is underlined. Improve the underlined part from the given four options under each sentence.

Excise duty effects the prices of liquor
A duty affects
B duty affective
C duty affect
D duty effected
Not Answered

Q.No: 136 The first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q,R,S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct from the given options.

1. At this beautiful hill station,

P flying like birds

Q watch the rainy clouds

R and enjoy your holiday

S far from the maddening

6. city crowd

Q.No: 137 Directions:-In question, four alternatives are given for the Idioms/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the one of the four alternatives which express the meaning of the underlined Idiom/Phrase:

To snap one’s finger
A To become contemptuous
B To be anxious
C To speak abruptly
D To accept
Not Answered

Q.No: 138 Directions: A part of the sentence is underlined. Improve the underlined part from the given four options under each sentence.

Why did you not responded earlier
A did you not respond
B you did not responded
C you did not respond
D did not you respond

Q.No: 139 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

To fell into a life of shame and disgrace
A Impunity
B Ignoring
C Impertinent
D Impeccable
Not Answered

Q.No: 140 Directions:-In question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best express the meaning of the given word:

A Blemish
B Break
C Revamp
D Damage

Q.No: 141 Directions:-In question, four alternatives are given for the Idioms/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the one of the four alternatives which express the meaning of the underlined Idiom/Phrase:

A herculean task
A Impossible task
B New task
C Well done task
D Easy task
Not Answered

Q.No: 142 Directions:-In question, four alternatives are given for the Idioms/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the one of the four alternatives which express the meaning of the underlined Idiom/Phrase:

Ram works hardly
A Ram is efficient worker
B Ram is willing worker
C Ram is hard worker
D Ram seldom works

Q.No: 143 Directions:- In question, choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word and mark your answer accordingly.

A Prodigal
B Profligate
C Duplicate
D Implication
Not Answered

Q.No: 144 The first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q,R,S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct from the given options.

1 Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board,

P recruitment of professionals required

Q for doing research

R in Agricultural & Allied fields,

S an independent body for

6 is situated at New Delhi.

Q.No: 145 Describe in which form the underlined word in the given sentence has been used i.e. Noun/ Pronoun / Adjective / Verb/ Adverb/ Preposition etc.

Put some water in the still
A Verb
B Adverb
C Pronoun
D Noun

Q.No: 146 Choose the correct spelling
A Debonair
B Deboneir
C Debonare
D Debonear

Q.No: 147 Directions:- A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice

I shall have helped him
A He would have been helped by me
B He must have been helped by me
C Help to him have been given by me
D He will have been helped by me

Q.No: 148 INSTRUCTION:Given below is a sentence in which a word is bold . Select the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word from the four choices given below.

The situation in the valley was exacerbated when the winter set in.
A Comfort
B Preordained
C Succeeded
D Improved
Not Answered

Q.No: 149 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A the ceiling
B to reach
C He climbed
D from the ladder

Q.No: 150 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

The government has alerted the district administration of the volatile situation ______ it on the toes for long.
A which keeps
B which kept
C which has kept
D that has been keeping

Q.No: 151 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

Although many American poets had shown interest in Native American poetry, scholars and critics __________ to study seriously traditional Native American poetry in native languages before 1900.
A was not beginning
B have not begun
C did begin
D did not begin

Q.No: 152 Directions:-In question sentences are given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the given alternatives, select the one which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

Father said to me that I should respect my elders
A Father said to me, “ You should respect your elders”
B Father said to me, “ I should have respect for my elders”
C Father said to me, “I should respect my elders”
D Father said to me, “you should respect his elders”

Q.No: 153 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A in solving a problem
B Rahul is so lazy
C that he take a
D lot of time

Q.No: 154 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

The medical fraternity _______ of this endemic disease for almost about a decade.
A was warning
B has been warning
C has warned
D is warning
Not Answered

Q.No: 155 Directions: A part of the sentence is underlined. Improve the underlined part from the given four options under each sentence.

The Sarpanch provided bail for the accused
A No improvement
B went bail for
C gave out bail for
D gave bail for
Not Answered

Q.No: 156 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

Elimination or killing of a whole race
A Homicide
B Matricide
C Genocide
D Fratricide
Not Answered

Q.No: 157 Sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are given for question. Choose the most appropriate alternative out of four.

His face _____________ when he was accused of murder
A Fell in
B Fell flat
C Fell out
D Fell

Q.No: 158 Sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are given for question. Choose the most appropriate alternative out of four.

He drank milk at a _____________
A Continuity
B Drought
C Dose
D Draught
Not Answered

Q.No: 159 Choose the correct spelling
A Meticulus
B Meticulous
C Meticulos
D Meticulaus

Q.No: 160 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A foul words
B He was reprimanded
C for using
D to his seniors
Not Answered

Q.No: 161 Choose the correct spelling
A Exaggerete
B Exaggerate
C Exagerate
D Exagerite
Not Answered

Q.No: 162 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A you would not have
B answered the questions wrongly
C If you would have read
D the instructions carefully
Not Answered

Q.No: 163 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

Retail sales rose from 0.8 to 1 percent in August, intensifying expectations that personal spending in the next quarter _________ the 1.4 percent growth rate in personal spending for the previous quarter.
A would more than double
B was more than double
C will more than double
D more than doubled
Not Answered

Q.No: 164 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

It is the diversity in language, religion and culture ________ India united.
A which have kept
B which had kept
C that have been keeping
D that keeps
Not Answered

Q.No: 165 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

A person not being decisive
A Amorphous
B Ambiguous
C Ambivalent
D Agnostic
Not Answered

Q.No: 166 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

One who runs away from justice or the law
A Fugitive
B Criminal
C Law breaker
D Legal

Q.No: 167 Directions:- In question, choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word and mark your answer accordingly.

A Squeeze
B Detailed
C Expand
D Brief
Not Answered

Q.No: 168 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

A group of rabbits
A Clutch
B Colony
C Brood
D Flock
Not Answered

Q.No: 169 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

They are very excited _______ their trip to Spain next month.
A about
B at
C over
D on

Q.No: 170 Directions:- A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice

My pocket has been picked
A I have my pocket picked
B I had my pocket picked
C My pocket was picked
D Someone has picked my pocket

Q.No: 171 The first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q,R,S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct from the given options.

1 If neglected,

P may develop

Q a minor ailment

R if not properly diagnosed

S into serious trouble

6 and treated on time
Not Answered

Q.No: 172 Directions:- A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice

A new workshop is being built by the Govt.
A Govt. have built a new workshop
B Govt. has been building a new workshop
C Govt. is building a new workshop
D A new workshop had been built by the Govt.

Q.No: 173 Describe in which form the underlined word in the given sentence has been used i.e. Noun/ Pronoun / Adjective / Verb/ Adverb/ Preposition etc.

He died of snake bite.
A Verb
B Preposition
C Noun
D Adverb

Q.No: 174 Directions:-In question sentences are given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the given alternatives, select the one which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

He said that girls are usually weaker than boys
A He said, “Girls have been usually weaker than boys”
B He said, “Girls are usually weaker than boys”
C He said, “Girls had been usually weaker than boys”
D He said, “Girls were usually weaker than boys”
Not Answered

Q.No: 175 Directions:- In question, choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word and mark your answer accordingly.

A Concord
B Aversion
C Dissent
D Solution

Q.No: 176 Choose the correct spelling
A Sereni
B Sarine
C Serene
D Serine
Not Answered

Q.No: 177 INSTRUCTION:There are four short sentences given below:– (A), (B), (C) and (D). Rearrange these sentences in a proper sequence to form a meaningful sentence; then choose the correct sequence order from the four options given below.

(A) public institutions

(B) in Higher Education and Scientific

(C) research has been credited to various

(D) much of the progress especially
Not Answered

Q.No: 178 The first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q,R,S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct from the given options.

1 Observers feel that

P is an ethnic problem

Q Gorkhaland movement

R can be solved by

S which in their opinion

6 mutual discussion
Not Answered

Q.No: 179 Directions:- In question, choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word and mark your answer accordingly.

A Stout
B Tout
C Cheerful
D Helpful
Not Answered

Q.No: 180 Directions:-In question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best express the meaning of the given word:

A Squeamish
B Out of tune
C Peculiar
D Jealous
Not Answered

Q.No: 181 Directions:-In question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best express the meaning of the given word:

A Obscure
B Confuse
C Enlighten
D Perplex
Not Answered

Q.No: 182 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

A system of Governance in which absolute power is exercised by an individual, unregulated by legal and Constitutional checks.
A Nepotism
B Olicism
C Despotism
D Monopoly
Not Answered

Q.No: 183 Directions:-In question, four alternatives are given for the Idioms/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the one of the four alternatives which express the meaning of the underlined Idiom/Phrase:

To keep someone at bay
A To deceive
B To ridicule
C To keep distance
D To challenge

Q.No: 184 Directions:- A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice

Open the door
A Let door remain open
B Door be let open
C Let the door be opened
D Door should be opened

Q.No: 185 Directions:-In question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best express the meaning of the given word:

A Origin
B Result
C Source
D Series

Q.No: 186 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A Why is that
B to you again and again
C don’t you understand
D even when it is explained
Not Answered

Q.No: 187 The first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts named P, Q,R,S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct from the given options.

1 Hobby of music

P I have experienced

Q has given me

R lot of respect

S and through this habit

6 immense eternal pleasure
Not Answered

Q.No: 188 INSTRUCTION:Given below is a sentence in which a word is bold and underlined. Select the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word from the four choices given below.

We paid a nominal fee to get admission in a government college in the Nineties.
A known
B significant
C viable
D minimal
Not Answered

Q.No: 189 Directions:-In question, four alternatives are given for the Idioms/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the one of the four alternatives which express the meaning of the underlined Idiom/Phrase:

To see eye to eye with
A To take revenge
B To agree
C To stare
D Disagree
Not Answered

Q.No: 190 INSTRUCTION:There are four short sentences given below – (A), (B), (C) and (D). Rearrange these sentences in a proper sequence to form a meaningful sentence; then choose the correct sequence order from the four options given below.

(A) in the sense that production

(B) it is not wholly productive

(C) so­called employed are withdrawn

(D) does not suffer even if some of the
Not Answered

Q.No: 191 Directions:-In question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best express the meaning of the given word:

A Damage
B Impair
C Harm
D Modify
Not Answered

Q.No: 192 Some part of sentence have errors and some may be correct. Find out which part of the sentence has an error if there is no error mark your response accordingly.
A the three
B is joining
C Who of
D the team
Not Answered

Q.No: 193 Choose the correct spelling
A Auspcious
B Auspicius
C Auspicous
D Auspicious
Not Answered

Q.No: 194 Directions: A part of the sentence is underlined. Improve the underlined part from the given four options under each sentence.

On my way back home, I fell on with my friend who had long been away
A fell in with
B fell out with
C fell that
D fell over with
Not Answered

Q.No: 195 Directions:- In question, choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word and mark your answer accordingly.

A Appreciation
B Deprecation
C Tear
D Aversion
Not Answered

Q.No: 196 Describe in which form the underlined word in the given sentence has been used i.e. Noun/ Pronoun / Adjective / Verb/ Adverb/ Preposition etc.

He boarded the Airplane that early morning
A Verb
B Pronoun
C Noun
D Adjective
Not Answered

Q.No: 197 INSTRUCTION:Given below is a sentence in which a word is bold . Select the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word from the four choices given below.

The IT sector has been flourishing for last two decades in India.
A Progressing
B Fluctuating
C Declining
D Drooping
Not Answered

Q.No: 198 INSTRUCTION:The question given below has a blank/s denoting that a word is missing. The missing word can be an article, verb, adjective, adverb, tense, vocabulary or preposition. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the sentence.

In order to show its strength, the party ________ a public meeting yesterday.
A has organized
B is organizing
C have organized
D organized
Not Answered

Q.No: 199 INSTRUCTION:Given below is a sentence in which a word is bold and underlined. Select the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word from the four choices given below.

For the new Prime Minister, it was a very arduous task to rehabilitate millions of homeless.
A Difficult
B Colossal
C Different
D Easy
Not Answered

Q.No: 200 Choose the most appropriate option which can substitute the sentence in question.

A leather holder for a pistol
A Holster
B Case
C Sheathe
D Scabbard
Not Answered

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