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Free Job Alert 2019 : how to remove year and month in blogger url

Remove Date from url

Freejobalert 2019: - Friends, if you want to remove {date / month Remove} from your blogger then add this code and you will find that every post of yours will start ranking in Google, and your earning will increase.

Freejobalert 2019: doston agar aap apane blogar mein se { datai/month Remove }hataana chaahate ho to ye kod lagaaye aur aap paoge kee aapakee har post googal mein renk karane lagegee, aur aapakee arning kee badh jaayegee.

Freejobalert 2019: दोस्तों अगर आप अपने ब्लॉगर में से { date/month Remove}हटाना चाहते हो तो ये कोड़ लगाये और आप पाओगे की आपकी हर पोस्ट गूगल में रेंक करने लगेगी, और आपकी अर्निंग की बढ़ जायेगी।

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How to remove the numbers in blogger post URL's 

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३.how to remove date and time from blogger post


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Remove date/time blogger url

How do I remove the date and time from my blogger post?
Ans. Copy this code and past in " Hed" ya any gedget
Click on "Design" then click on "Page Elements." Move down to the "Post Page Options" box. Click on the box next to the blog post date stamp. This removes the check mark, disabling the feature 

Blogger date/month Remove code

<script type='text/javascript'>
// BloggerJS v0.3.1
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Kenny Cruz
// Licensed under the MIT License
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