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China warns tech company giants for the purpose of rejecting Trump restrictions

SAN FRANCISCO: The Chinese government last week warned major technical companies such as Microsoft and Dell from Samsung from the United States of America and South Korea that if they cooperate with the restriction of the Trump Administration on the sale of major US technology, then your Can be nearby. Bear. According to Chinese companies, people familiar with the meetings
Organized on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, meetings took place immediately after Beijing's announcement that it was collecting a list of "incredible" companies and individuals. That list was widely seen as a way to return the Trump administration to its decision to remove Chinese electronics giant Huywi from the sale of American technology.
Details about this in the meeting, the high-stakes between the United States and China, the latest steps in two weeks of economic turmoil, shared by two people familiar with them, who did not ask the name because they were authorized to discuss them. Were not. And could face them. Resistance meetings were also part of UK Semiconductor Manufacturing arm and South Hyeonx of South Korea.
The world's most important business relationships have been stripped from companies and governments around the world.
Scott Kennedy, a senior adviser to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, located in Washington, US, says, "It is now very fragile because the Trump administration has made its entire relationship volatile, commercial and otherwise through its brittle tactics."
The meeting was led by China's central economic planning agency, National Development and Reform Commission and representatives of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Information Technology, who addressed their comments to a wide range of companies exporting goods to China. . According to two people familiar with the meetings.
Participation of three government bodies suggested high level coordination and possible approval from the top of China's opaque leadership structure. Intervention was designed to rally support for Huawei, although the company was not specifically mentioned, two people said.
Paul Trilo of Eurasia Consultancy said, "There is a strong impression in Beijing that the US government is stubborn to blur the growth of China's technology, and if the process is not slowed or stopped, the future of China's entire digital economy will be in danger Is in the group.
Broadly speaking, this warning was also an attempt to stop the rapid breakdown of sophisticated supply chains that connect the Chinese economy to the rest of the world. In this week's meetings, Chinese officials had clearly warned the companies that any move to pull production from China can be punished according to two people.

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