Railway NTPC
ONLINE applications are invited by RRBs from eligible Indian Nationals and other nationals
as brought out at Para 4 of this CEN for the posts of Non-Technical Popular Categories
(NTPC) i.e. Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains
Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial
cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior
Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master in various Zonal Railways and
Production Units of Indian Railways.
Important links
Apply Now :. New Registration Login
Notification Click here
Print. Now. :. Click here
Syllabus :. Click here
Official site:-. Click here
(a) Candidates can apply for the notified posts of any one RRB only as per their eligibility
through ONLINE application mode by visiting the official website of RRBs as listed at
Para 20.0.
(b) Read all the Information and Instructions detailed in this CEN thoroughly before
starting to fill up the application by clicking the appropriate Link on the RRB website.
It is essential that the candidate understands all information of this CEN correctly to
prevent any mistakes while filling application.
(c) Scanned documents in JPEG Format to be kept ready before filling the
In order to ensure speedy filling up of application by the candidates, they should keep
the following documents ready in digital form before logging in to the application
Candidate Photograph: JPEG image of size 20 KB to 50 KB (Please Refer Para
15.1(p)(3) regarding specification of photograph).
Candidate Signature: JPEG image of size 10 KB to 40 KB (Please Refer Para
15.1(p)(4)&(5)regarding specification of signature).
SC/ST Certificate (Only for candidates seeking Free Travel Pass): JPEG image
of size 50 KB to 100 KB. (Please Refer Para 15.1(q) regarding SC/ST Certificate
Scribe Photo (wherever applicable): JPEG image of size 20 KB to 50 KB (Please
Refer Para 15.1(p)(3)regarding specification of photograph).
(d) Check RRB wise Vacancies for the qualification and Reservation Category of
the candidate: The candidates are advised to check the Post Parameter Table and
Vacancy Table in this CEN to ascertain vacancies notified against all RRBs and then
decide the RRB for which they wish to apply and ensure that the RRB to which they
(a) Candidates can apply for the notified posts of any one RRB only as per their eligibility
through ONLINE application mode by visiting the official website of RRBs as listed at
Para 20.0.
(b) Read all the Information and Instructions detailed in this CEN thoroughly before
starting to fill up the application by clicking the appropriate Link on the RRB website.
It is essential that the candidate understands all information of this CEN correctly to
prevent any mistakes while filling application.
(c) Scanned documents in JPEG Format to be kept ready before filling the
In order to ensure speedy filling up of application by the candidates, they should keep
the following documents ready in digital form before logging in to the application
Candidate Photograph: JPEG image of size 20 KB to 50 KB (Please Refer Para
15.1(p)(3) regarding specification of photograph).
Candidate Signature: JPEG image of size 10 KB to 40 KB (Please Refer Para
15.1(p)(4)&(5)regarding specification of signature).
SC/ST Certificate (Only for candidates seeking Free Travel Pass): JPEG image
of size 50 KB to 100 KB. (Please Refer Para 15.1(q) regarding SC/ST Certificate
Scribe Photo (wherever applicable): JPEG image of size 20 KB to 50 KB (Please
Refer Para 15.1(p)(3)regarding specification of photograph).
(d) Check RRB wise Vacancies for the qualification and Reservation Category of
the candidate: The candidates are advised to check the Post Parameter Table and
Vacancy Table in this CEN to ascertain vacancies notified against all RRBs and then
decide the RRB for which they wish to apply and ensure that the RRB to which they
wish to fill the online application is having vacancies for their educational
qualification, community/category and eligibility in terms of age, medical standards,
disability etc.
(e) Following steps may be followed to ascertain the availability of vacancies and
candidate‘s eligibility for various posts notified:
Post Parameter Table: Click on the Post Parameter Table Tab. From this table,
candidate can ascertain the post(s) for which he/she is eligible as per
qualification, type of disability for which post is suitable if PwBD, required
medical standards etc.
Vacancy Table: To ascertain the comprehensive details of vacancy of all the
posts notified against an RRB for his/her eligibility, candidate may select the
RRB from the drop down list of RRBs and can view the vacancies for all the
notified posts against various Railways/Units attached to that RRB on selecting
the eligibility parameters.
After scrutinizing the vacancy table, candidates may decide the RRB for which
they wish to apply duly ensuring that vacancy exists for their
qualification/community/EWS/PwBD/ExSM category etc.
Once the RRB has been selected, preliminary registration is completed and
registration number is allotted, change of RRB will not be permitted under
any circumstances.
(f) Candidates are required to go to the link provided for filling ONLINE application and
fill up the personal details/Bio-Data, fee paid etc. carefully. They are also required to
exercise their option/preference for Post(s), Railway(s)/Production Unit(s).
After completing the process at Para 15.0 a, b, c & d above, carry out the following:
a) Click on the ―New Registration‖.
b) Select the RRB to which you wish to apply. Please be aware that, RRB once
selected cannot be changed after the preliminary registration is completed
and Registration number is allotted.
c) Confirm that you have read and understood the instructions clearly by
clicking the check box.
d) Registration Details: Enter your name, Date of Birth and Father‘s name as
per Para 1.7 of General Instructions, Mother‘s Name, Aadhaar Number,
SSLC/Matric Roll Number, Year of Passing, Mobile Number and email-ID and
then submit for registration. Before submitting for registration, ensure and
confirm that all the information furnished above are correct, as the details
furnished for registration cannot be changed later. Please note that the
email ID and mobile number used for the Registration must be yours and
unique. Also note that both the email and mobile number will be verified
during the Online Application process with a One Time Password (OTP).
e) Verification of email ID and mobile number through OTP: On submitting
the primary details, OTPs shall be sent to the registered mobile number
and email. The candidate should retrieve the OTPs from email and Mobile
and then enter OTPs to proceed with the filling up of application and to
make payment through OTP “Activation Link”.
On successful OTP activation, Registration Number will be generated and sent
on registered email ID and mobile number.
Candidates should note and preserve their Registration Number for later
reference during the recruitment process and RRB will not entertain any
request seeking registration number.
f) Candidates can proceed with the online application by clicking on the
―Candidate Login‖ button on the Home Page using the Registration Number
and password.
g) In the Part I of application page, provide the details of Educational
Qualification, Community i.e. UR/OBC (NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, Gender, Religion,
Ex SM, PwBD, Minority, Economically Backward Class and Age Relaxation
eligibility category as applicable and other details.
h) Payment and Bank Account Details:
i. On completion of application details as above, the candidate will be directed
to the payment page to choose payment mode i.e. Bank (Online Net
Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card/UPI and Offline Challan) or Post Office
Challans as explained in Para 7 and complete the payment process. Chose
the mode of payment and complete the payment process. If there is a failure
of Online payments, the candidate has to make another transaction. Please
note the last date and time specified for each mode of payment and
submit the application well in time.
ii. Those paying through Bank-offline mode, the payment confirmation may take
2 hours and hence they have to again login after 2 hours and look for
confirmation of payment status.
iii. The time period for payment confirmation shall vary from 24 hrs. to 48 hrs. in
case of Post Office payment.
i) In the Part II of application page, candidate has to indicate their
priority/preference of the posts.
Set priority / preferences for posts: If the candidate is eligible for more than
one post based on his/her educational qualification and other details furnished,
he/she must set the priority/preferences for these posts. The list of posts (in the
chosen RRB) for which a candidate is eligible is displayed. Similarly, if the
chosen RRB has vacancies for more than one Railway/Production Unit, then
vacancies for all such Railways/Production Units for which a candidate is
eligible, will be listed out. The candidate should fill their priority/preferences
number in the textbox against each post that they are eligible for, in the RRB
they are applying to.
j) Scribe for PwBD Candidates: Indicate option for scribe if you are a PwBD
candidate and eligible for scribe. Only the candidates suffering from Visually
Impairment (VI) or the candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral
Palsy/muscular dystrophy/candidates with Locomotor disability (one
arm)/Intellectual disability (Autism, specific learning disability and mental
illness) are eligible for availing scribe against this CEN. In case you have
firmed up the scribe, then enter the details of scribe such as name, father‘s
name, educational qualification etc. The scribe so arranged should not
himself/herself be the candidate for the notification for which the
candidate is appearing and same scribe should not be engaged for more
than one candidate.
k) Detailed Educational Qualification: Furnish all the relevant information on
the qualification as required in the application.
l) Choice of Exam Language: English is the default language. In case the
candidate wishes to choose any other language, then the same can be
selected from the drop down list of languages. The languages listed are
Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri,
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. In case of any difference/
discrepancy/dispute in the Questions between English and the opted
language, the content of English version shall prevail.
m) Complete the balance fields e.g. Mother Tongue, Moles/Identification Marks,
Address etc.
n) Bank Account Details for Refund: Candidates who attend 1st Stage CBT are
eligible for refund of examination fee as per details in Para 7. All candidates
who have given the confirmation to receive their refund to the account from
which they have made the application fee payment, need not fill these details
and hence, this will not be visible for them. Only those candidates who do not
wish to receive the refund in the account through which they paid examination
fee should provide the details of Beneficiary Account in which they wish to
receive the refund viz. Beneficiary Name, Account Number, Name of Bank and
IFSC Code in the Online Application.
o) Candidates may indicate their consent or otherwise for sharing the scores
obtained by them in RRB exams with other Ministries/Departments/PSUs and
Private organizations, for recruitment in their organizations.
p) Photograph and Signature Upload:
1. Candidate will be automatically directed to ‗Photo and Signature Upload‘ part
of the application.
2. Select the Upload Photo Tab and upload your colour
Download . Notification for Full details
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